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paul r. williams Aug 8th 2007 at 07:15:46 PM
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my father was in the navy with the 8th beach battalion. when two companies of the 540th and the 8th bb were put together before going to north africa, my father was in C co. he remained with the 8th bb until it was decommissioned back in the states. i am in the process of registering with this site as i write. i am looking for info. about what the duties of C co. were during the two invasions. thank you.


Frank P Campo Aug 3rd 2007 at 11:31:54 PM
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member of AEA read your article

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29 Palms Ca

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I was a member of Company D, 39th Engr Bn at Fort Dix, NJ. I am glad you are doing research on the battalions, as a member of one of those battalions I feel like I have carried on the tradition and honor that came with the units. ENGINEERS CLEAR THE WAY!


Arden Rogers Jul 31st 2007 at 04:17:40 PM
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Looking for some info on 1284 combat engineer battalion

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Marblehead ohio

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David Corkill Jul 24th 2007 at 12:40:41 AM
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Partridge, Kansas

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It was incredibly enlightening to browse through your pictures and history. My father was part of the 36th Engineers CO. C, from Africa to Munich. I am sorry to say he passed away before I understood the magnitude of the history contained in his memory. So now I am trying to reconstruct the best I can.



Betty, Margaret and May Jul 21st 2007 at 09:08:53 AM
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Canda/born in scotland

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What a fabulous site. I would be around 10 or 11 when the war broke out, and living in Glasgow, Scotland at that time.
The wonderful American soldiers would throw gum and choclate bars to us from their train.

My sisters and I went to a lot of movies as we didn't have any television at that time either.

Would like to extend an ivitation to you and your viewers to visit our Website, intro song sung by Mr. Al Jolson, The Andrew sisters singing "The Boogey Woogey Bugle Boy", Christmas with Bing, and much more. We have wonderful links and a Guest Book that we would love you to sign, if you have the time.

My sisters thank you, and I thank you.

Would also like to have you linked up to our site.


Lisa Decker Jul 20th 2007 at 12:32:10 PM
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North Carolina

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My dad, Bill Hicks, was a PFC in the 87th, Acorn Div. Company E. He was very active with the group that meets around Rochester NY, and was instrumental in funding the Memorial Hwy outside Rochester on I390. My dad passed away in Dec. 2005. I would love to meet anyone who may have known my dad when he was in the army. One memorable account he tells about was being wounded by a fellow comrade, while they were looking at a german gun in their tent. If anyone remembers that story please email me.



Lise Pommois Jul 15th 2007 at 08:18:44 AM
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Through the Trailblazers (70th Div Assoc to which I belong)

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Niederbronn, Alsace, France

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I was first fascinated by the recordings of the WWII music. Beautiful and it brings back memory though I was too young to really remember it. I am a Seventh Army historian, have written "Winter Storm - war in northern Alsace Nov 1944 - March 1945" (unfortunately out of print and hard to get even as used)and therefore have done some research into the engineers' role in WWII in my area. I conduct tours of the battlefields in this area and was recently the tour guide for the 100th Div in the northern Vosges. Looking forward to visiting your site again and helping if I can. Keep up the good work. Lise


Ron Christner Jun 21st 2007 at 12:51:01 PM
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Your site has lots of interesting information. Its sites like this that perserves our History. My Uncle was with the 146thECB H&S CO during the war. Lenny Fox has a great web site if you are interested.


Greg Reynders Jun 2nd 2007 at 11:30:57 PM
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Web search for WWII engineers

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Albany, NY

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My father, Gilbert "Jack" Reynders served in the Fifth Army 473 Engineers. I found his original field jacket and am trying to put together the pieces of his service record. His records were among those destroyed in the fire at the National Personnel Records Center. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Florence Patch Creasy May 26th 2007 at 02:07:51 PM
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My father was in the 255th combat engieers Co A during WWII. I would like to find more info on his unit.


Benny Whitman May 6th 2007 at 04:45:55 AM
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my dad was in 34th combat engineers in south pacific.i would love to see a book.


Fred Driehs May 1st 2007 at 05:58:38 PM
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E mail Buddy sent it to me

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Houston, Texas

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great music site..
the music .....I grew up with.
Me??an ol F86 man.. USAF 1949-1952- 325th all weather fighter grp... Tachakawa, Japan..


David R. Somera Apr 12th 2007 at 05:42:20 PM
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Google search for music of WWII

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Visalia, CA

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Nothing moves me so emotionally as this music . I can feel the heartache,worry,sadness,the loneliness and yes I too feel the hope&determination,the love of God,country & family.And yes the patiotism!Thanks so much ! A 49yr old American


Lee Juana (Taylor) Shawver Mar 28th 2007 at 02:27:20 AM
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Daughters of D-Day

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Tulsa, Oklahoma (Currently living in Florida)

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Beautiful site! My dad was 303rd Combat Engineers, 78th Division. Hurtgen Forest, Simmerath, Kesternich, Rose Pocket, Schwammennauel Dam, Remagen. I found his scrapbook, unit history, Bronze Star Medal, etc. after he died. Have been researching his history in WWII. Thank you for your website.


Dennis Steven Mar 25th 2007 at 10:12:57 AM
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Through the forum of Wildbillguarnere

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The Netherlands

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4 golden stars for this site.
A clear user friendly site.


jeff jilek Mar 23rd 2007 at 10:26:58 AM
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combat engineers search

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Hi! I am in possession of a flag signed by a group of combat engineers in the pacific ww2. I have a ton of names, but no unit etc. Their Col. was William J. Ely. Looking to contact any survivors but my web searches are not fruitful. Anyone?




James R. Bird Mar 15th 2007 at 10:50:12 PM
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You deserve two HIGH FIVES.


Joan Mar 9th 2007 at 09:34:49 PM
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link from daughters of D-Day

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Voorhees, New Jersey

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before his death, my father made references to serving in N. Africia and Italy. I am interested in learning about his military career. Is there a way to obtain his records?


sasu Feb 14th 2007 at 03:14:43 PM
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do you have any info on the attachment in Turkmanistan during WWII?

my dad was stationed there with the Army Corps of Engineers then. My sis is going to take his memeorabilia and pull together his memoir.


Chris Schauwers Feb 11th 2007 at 08:35:21 AM
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searching 326th Airborne Engineering Battalion

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Westerlo - Belgium

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Great website !!!
I collect all information about regiments and battalions who served under the 101th Screaming Eagles Airborne Division during World War II


Fred Lanting Feb 8th 2007 at 08:11:12 AM
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KoreanWar list, I think

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northern Alabama

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I'm researching for a novel I'm writing about a vet who served in Argonne-to-Germany mid-1944 to end of war in Europe, then in Korea 1950-53, and would like to correspond with vets, researchers, potential proofreaders.


Richard Cameron Jan 22nd 2007 at 05:26:24 PM
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Searching for info on my dad

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Richland, WA

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My Dad, Glenn Cameron of Waterloo, Iowa, served in the 36th Combat Engineers in North Africa, Salerno, Ansio, Southern France, and into Germany. Dad would rarely talk about the war, but the Ansio Beach experience was a defining time of his life. A few years ago, I went with Dad to an Ansio Beach reunion in Colorado Springs where he met up with his buddy from the 36th, Les Worrell. My Dad has passed on and I would very much appreciate any info I can get about him and what he went through in the war.


Philip Bowen Jan 19th 2007 at 01:24:10 PM
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research on my father

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Ocala florida

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My father was a combat engineer (Sergeant) who made the invasion of Sicilly and served in North Africa and Italy. His name was Robert Nathaniel Bowen.I am trying to locate anyone with any information about him during the war.


Mike Soler Jan 9th 2007 at 06:52:03 PM
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From Al Kincer

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San Antonio Texas

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I have about 45 pictures of my grandfather, Lt. Mike Gomez, and others that I will be sending you soon. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for all your hard work.


David Holland Jan 8th 2007 at 11:26:36 AM
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Mark Bando's website

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Ontario Canada

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I am a big ww2 buf, I have enjoyed reading and veiwing your site. I have a great deal of respect and admoration to all who have served their respetive countrys


David Fieldor Dec 30th 2006 at 10:02:41 PM
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I was A peace time vet,35th tank Bat. 3 inf div. fort Benning Ga. Had A brother-in-law that was a C.B. and was on Okinawa. You have a great sight Dave


Brad Breitbach Dec 27th 2006 at 01:10:51 PM
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search of 540th

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Montana but live in Marietta Ga. now

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My dad..Robert G. Breitbach was in the 540th. I recognize many of the names on the site and the photos, even met a few of them. Dad is alive and well living in Georgia now.


Tim Roop Dec 7th 2006 at 01:45:29 PM
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You have a wonderful website! I think you should have my site linked with yours.



Terry Moore Dec 5th 2006 at 10:16:53 PM
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search of 937th engineer batalion

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Oklahoma City, OK

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My dad, Jack Moore, was in the 937th aviation camoflage engineer batalion in WW2. They landed in Normandy Omaha Beach approximately D-day+10. The allied forces had still not broken out from the hedgerows and there was still German resistance in the towns of St.Lo, Cann and Carentan. Their mission was to build both dummy airfields for the Germans to expend their bombs and hasty runways for fighter planes to take off from. They traveled through France, Belgium, Luxemberg, Holland, and Germany. Dad did talk of being strafed by German fighter planes and a buz-bomb landing in a nearby hedgerow that killed a soldier. He told me a story of how a German fighter plane dived at him from above while he was in a rail yard trying to hide in the snow on a moon lit night between some rail road tracks. The plane dropped a bomb about a hundred meters down the tracks (too close for comfort). The 937th trained hard to fight the enemy if necessary however as dad says it, "I got a good ringside seat to see the war and never fired on the enemy."


Odis Warren Nov 30th 2006 at 01:50:12 AM
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Researching a Memorial Page for the 14th CEB

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Vancouver, WA.

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Marion this is the most imformative sight I have used Great Job. I doing a memorial for the 14th CEB who I served with in Vietnam and I at the hardest part of this project trying to put Names and Dates of soldiers who lost their lives between 1941 and 1950 who served with the 2nd battalion 36th engineer regiment.

Thanks for the sight Odis


glen heflin Nov 21st 2006 at 04:58:16 PM
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type in my uncles dtscharge papers john jack robert heflin

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bluefield west virginia

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i have all my uncles original medals an papers an i am very proud of him an have a better respect of his regiment if anyone remembers my favorite uncle please e mail me john r. heflin jr. nicknamed jack company f 39th engineers c regiment thank you an god bless all of you.


Albert"Bereke"Demuyer Nov 18th 2006 at 11:35:15 AM
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Belgium Europe

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Dear Marion,
great website concerning your Father and the engineers.Lucky that they were there to built bridges and repair the trucks,they were all brave.Keep up the good work.


Bruce Batt Nov 13th 2006 at 07:41:00 PM
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My brother Fred Batt sent me an e-mail link

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Algonquin, Illinois

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Our father Melvin Batt of Elgin Illinois served in the 1301st between 1943 and 1945( I believe those to be the years ). He passed away in May of 1975 and I never really knew his unit until my brothers e-mail. I have photos of his unit as they fought through Europe. They make little sence to me, but may be of some value to your site here if I can easily scan them and send them to you.


Mari Ippolito Oct 20th 2006 at 03:24:06 PM
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Marion, GREAT site! Love it, and I'm so happy to meet another "Engineer Daughter"! Best, Mari


Franklin E. Wisor, Jr Oct 20th 2006 at 02:18:28 PM
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Son in law Noel Poirier did a website on my father but I lost the website address. Hoping you can help me out


John James Oct 9th 2006 at 01:28:58 AM
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Raleigh NC

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Thank you for taking the time and energy, to remember our heroes. I am excited to find a site dealing with VI Corp Combat Engineer Regts.

My father, Capt. Jesse James AUS (ret), was a 2nd Lt. platoon leader, assigned to Company A, 1st Batt. 39th Combat Engineers, at Anzio.


Rosemary Aug 17th 2006 at 11:21:40 AM
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Uncle Roque

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St Joseph Mo.

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Uncle Roque,
I am proud of you,


Mary Irene (Riojas) Bahr Aug 10th 2006 at 12:43:29 AM
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My father, Roque J Riojas

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KCKs now living at Holiday Island, Arkansas

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Dad, just have to let you know how proud I am of you and your infantry for fighting so hard for our freedom. To think being your first born, 11-20-1943, you didn't get to see me until I was 3-1/2 yrs old after the war, I feel so greatful that God brought you home safely. Thank you for sharing your experiences, we love you for that. By golly,
you still look great. Love you. Your grateful daughter.


Martha Ann Riojas Upchurch Aug 9th 2006 at 05:46:52 PM
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My Father, Roque J Riojas

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Kansas City, Kansas, currently residing in Prairie Village, KS

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I try to imagine what it was like for Dad during this time, but I know I can never come close. I am so blessed he is here with me now to share his experiences with me.
This is a wonderful place to visit, hear his voice in my head, and look at the wonderful pictures over and over.

I'm so proud of you Dad and love you very much!


TODD ROLLER Aug 6th 2006 at 09:47:25 AM
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Logansport, IN (now reside in Va.)

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Grandson of Dallas Roller, 39th Engineers, WWII. Seeking information about same.


Damien Lusk Jul 30th 2006 at 03:33:06 PM
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I am in the process of joining the US Army as a Combat Engineer. I am scheduled to take my ASVAB soon and I am reading about all the job duties and history of Combat Engineers.


Robert duMaire Jul 23rd 2006 at 06:56:53 PM
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Grandson of Paul DeMaio, 540th Engineers, C Regiment, F Company; I've been searching for general info/unit history. Congratulations on your research and for sharing with everyone with this great wensite!


veronique wamin Jul 18th 2006 at 01:43:46 PM
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I do not know if i can leave message on your guesbook. But i do not know any more or to put messages.

My name is veronique , i live in France , i am a member of the association of the memory flowers, i adopted 10 graves of american soldiers and put flowers on their graves on every year, at the cemetery of colleville sur mer. I would be grateful to get information about the soldiers : Robert Thomas, J.S.Willis, Robert E De Luca,Donald GJ Mallard, I would like to know their ages, the missions they had during the war, get a pictures because, each year, I put flowers on their graves and i would so much like to put a face on their names. I look for the existing relatives to inform them that their graves is respectfully and that their memory kept alive. I would be grateful , if you are one of them or if you know someone of their family. If you give me more information about them because they died to save our country...

I'm proud to honor their memory. because we cannot forget them . They gave their life for our liberty.

Here are some more details about them:

Name:Robert Thomas State:New York
Matricule:32428708 Rank:private first class, U.S .Army
Unity:988th quartermaster service company
died:27 oct 1945

Name: J.S.Willis State: Missouri
Matricule:37410081 Rank:private, U,S Army
unity:450th gasoline supply company

Name:Robert E De Luca State:New York
Matricule: z-485705 Rank: Merchant seaman
Unity: U.S.Merchant Marine,United States

Name: Donald J Mallard State:Massachusetts
Matricule:31076337 Rank:Private,U,S,Army
Unity: 3529thordnance automotive maintenance company
died:27 oct.1944

Thank you very much for your help



Donna Dubert Jul 4th 2006 at 10:43:35 PM
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I am "Ed's Daughter" on the Army Engineer Site

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Issaquah, WA, near Seattle

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I found your site from your post on the IX Engineer site. My father served in the 937th Engineer Aviation Camouflage Battalion, although I can find no evidence in his letters that he flew. I have letters he wrote to his parents and wish my mother had saved the ones he had written to her. My father, Ed Dubert, wrote many letters from England, France, Germany, Belgium and Holland. He was among those who cleared the way for the Normandy invasion.

On his commendation are listed his Commanding officers Alan F. Henry and Captain Bondy. My father never spoke of the war, even though I asked as a little girl and as a young woman. I now understand this is very typical. But I strive to understand more about his experiences, especially in the months between May and July and July and September, 1945 when the war was ending and there were gaps where he did not write. He said he had much to tell but I never heard it.
I have created a scrapbook of his letters, transcribing them from his handwritten letters from 1944 and 1945. This is a website I will visit often and may even begin one myself and include his letters.


George W Donaldson Jul 2nd 2006 at 07:40:27 PM
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In search of information on my unit, the 291rst Combat Engineers

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Everett, WA

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Hello! I served in the 291st Engineer Combat Battalion in World War 2. My daughter has been assisting me in finding history and info on my unit, and we came across this site. I served in Germany, we were better known as "The ****ed Engineers" (Pieper gave us this name). We built the first bridge across the Rhine, and fought in the Battle of the Buldge. I would enjoy being able to tell my story, and share the information I have of what went on over there in Germany after we landed there on D Day. Also, please, if you have any information on the 291 Engineer Combat Battalion or the 1111th Engineer Group, please email me, or reply and let me know!


Beth Jul 2nd 2006 at 12:16:53 PM
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Information from you!

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Greensboro, NC

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I am so impressed with the quality of this site and the quantity of information that I will be able to use with my students. Marion, you are certainly one of a kind!


Jos S.Beyers Jun 14th 2006 at 02:53:26 PM
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Recommandation of a young-colegae. Still in service and building Bailey-Bridges.

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A small village Beveren-Waas in Belgium

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Gerome Jun 13th 2006 at 02:19:30 PM
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Vosges Moutains - France

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Wonderfull site, with super story and maps.


D. Donnelly Jun 4th 2006 at 11:23:44 PM
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my father was with the 39th combat engineers. I would like to know where the 39th was after Salarno before Anzio?


Jim Armstrong May 9th 2006 at 08:17:34 PM
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referred by Ken Kraetzer

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Hudson, Ohio

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My dad also named Jim Armstrong and I visited Italy in May, 2005. For dad it was the first time back in 60 years.

It was the trip of a lifetime for both of us.

At Sicily Rome Cemetery services he was the sole returning vet - and hence the guest of honor.

At Florence Cemetery we found the graves of men he had fought alongside.

We rented a car and followed Rt 65 (Easy Street as they called it) to Livergnano. His unit - 3rd Battalion, 361st Regiment, 91st Division won the Presidential Unit Citation there. The bells at the little church rang in his honor that day !


Don Prasse May 7th 2006 at 07:23:38 PM
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Googled 188th Engineer

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Kings Mountain, NC

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My father was Edward Prasse. He was the S-3 of the 188th Engineer Combat Bn during the war. At the end of the war he became the Commander of the 2828th Engineer Combat Bn which had been the 3rd Bn of the 36th Engineer Regiment. After the war the 2828th was deactivated and then reactivated as the 19th Engineers. Quite coincidentally, when I joined the Army I was assigned to the 19th Engineers. When I read the "Lineage and Honors" I was surprised to be part of a unit with such a history but even more amazed that I was in the same Battalion as my dad had been in. I have always been proud of my dad but the older I get the more amazed I am at what he and his generation accomplished. Men and women alike- my mom worked at Carter Carburetor making fuses for artillery shells.


Carl Furtado Apr 8th 2006 at 10:41:24 AM
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From meeting you at our last reunion--the 36th engineers.

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BNarrington RI

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This is not my first time on your web page, as from time to time I go back and scan through it. Will have more on the 36th and will send it to you. Carl


Robert Ott Apr 2nd 2006 at 01:55:10 AM
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I am the grandson of a WWII vet George Ott who served as a combat engineer with the 347th Engineer Corps under General Patton. He passed away in 1959. When my father died 3 years ago, he left me an incredible photo album of his service as a combat engineer in Europe (England, France and Germany) from 1942-1945. Are there any vets still out there that served In this unit or knew about it or knew him?


Karen Mcintyre Mar 30th 2006 at 11:39:29 PM
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Tracing GI DAD for my mother in-law

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Belfast, Northern Ireland

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Congrats first off, for such a wonderful collection of info!!,
I have for sure bookmarked your site for future reference, thank you.
I am searching for James Johnson an African Amercian GI who was in Northern Ireland 1944. His daughter (my mother in-law) has been trying to track him now for 30years, with my help we are surfing the net to try and narrow down units which were here. He was stationed in a depot in Antrim, N.I. Possibly he came from Michigan. Any help guys or anyone who knows any Gi,s who were here then would be a great help!
Thank you for the info on black american gi,s its a great help and more avenues to search through! Best Wishes to you all from Karen in Belfast Northern Ireland


Taylor Dewey Mar 11th 2006 at 03:12:50 AM
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Portland, OR

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You should be commended for your wealth of information on WWII combat engineers. I am particularly impressed by the collection of stories and letters that you have managed to amass. Good job!


Ron Mar 4th 2006 at 09:27:22 AM
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Searching for Information

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Originally from Maryland

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Thank you so much! Finally, after years of searching I have at least found some link to my late Uncle's important past. I have the same company photo of Baker Company 326th Airborne Engineer Company that you have on your page about "Memories of Charles A. Wilbur". My Uncle is also in that picture so obviously served with him. His name is Sgt. Peter Paul Evans from West Virginia. Everyone called him Paul. One of the trademarks that I remember as a young boy, was that he always smoked cigars or at least had a short stogie in his mouth.

He was awarded 2 Bronze Stars and at least 2 Purple Hearts.

If anyone knows him or anything about what the 326th did during the war, I would be very excited to hear from you. Please contact me at

Thank You Marion for your efforts and for remembering those hero's that will be forever remembered.


Frank Potemski Mar 2nd 2006 at 08:21:06 PM
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Love the site Doing research for my father-in-law Roland Martin who was in 97th Div.,Headquarters Co.,386th Infantry Reg. Spent his time as a driver in an anti-tank squad. He is looking to make contact with anyone else who was there or has knowledge of this time in Europe and latter redeployment in Japan. Thanks for everything and God bless America.


William Smith Feb 27th 2006 at 11:37:21 AM
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Daughter found it

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Lansing Michigan

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would like to hear from others from the 3rd army, acorn 87th. Was just awarded bronze star last year for my service time. took to long


Ken Sloan Feb 23rd 2006 at 09:30:33 PM
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Great site. It is wonderful that some one makes an effort to remember.


A.Bos Feb 15th 2006 at 09:02:04 PM
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Last year I found a nametag, more like a bracelet, with a metaldetector on site in Antwerp Belgium. More exacly on the former grounds of the repatiation camp Top Hat. I would like to return it to the owner or family, but it is very difficlt to track vets down, so I hoped I would have more luck on this site. Tha bracelet is ingraved Leo J. Cable, and on the inside: 1944, 37338563 ( the first 3 could also be a 9), Vla. Hopefully you can help me out.



John and Martha Anne Christian Feb 15th 2006 at 04:45:32 PM
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Hi, Marion. I brought my wife Martha Anne along with me to meet you, to see what a fantastic web presence you have for your Dad, and to see what a remarkable person you are. Now we are both happily impressed. God bless you.


Jeff Mamola Feb 13th 2006 at 11:48:47 PM
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My late dad served in the 606th Army Engineer Camouflage Battalion in WWII (HQ & SC). If anyone out there is related to someone who served in this unit - let me know. thanks!!


sheri wright Feb 11th 2006 at 11:01:40 PM
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I am trying to put together info for my grandfather who was in WWII in the 359th his name is Cecil Grenat any info or pointing in the right direction would be helpful as he has dementia. I am also married to a US Army ssgt who is currently deployed for the 2nd time for Enduring Freedom. God Bless and thank you.


John Bunch Jan 26th 2006 at 02:06:02 PM
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3rd Infantry Div. link I believe.

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I was looking for info about my Dads service in WWII. His dd-214 says he was in the 316 Combat Engineers Co.C 91st Div. when he was mustered out in 1945. He was a explosives expert due to his experience in rock quarries and coal mines in this area. He was also trained at Fort Lewis Washington,Camp Adair Oregon, and Camp White in Oregon. He saw action in North Africa, Scily, and Italy. He never spoke much about the horrors of his combat experiences but spoke with great fondness and brotherhood of the good times he had with all his fellows soldiers. I can't find any one outfit that was in all the places his dd214 says but thanks to you I now know that the Combat Engineers were with many different outfits. I would appreciate any info anyone could give to help with my search.


Robert Vicker Jan 23rd 2006 at 03:31:45 PM
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I was a baby when World War II started and do not have many vivid recollections of the war but as an adult I began to appreciate the tremendous effort and sacrifice made by the young men and women of the generation that preceded mine. I cannot fully express the admiration and thankfulness I feel for their bravery and dedication in fullfilling their roles until victory was finally achieved. It grieves me to think of the rows and rows of graves, in this country and abroad, of those brave men and women who didn't come home or didn't come home alive. I had five uncles who all served in the Navy during World War II and who all did come home alive and though they are all gone now I will be forever grateful for their service to our country during those very difficult times. I hope people of succeeding generations continue to appreciate the freedom and liberty that people of previous generations secured for them.
May God continue to bless America!


H. Simpson Jan 19th 2006 at 06:51:29 PM
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I am looking for information on the 347th Engineer Regt GS. My uncle, Eino Ilberg, was a member of this unit during WWII. He was killed while driving his vehicle over a mine on the 16th of April 1945 somewhere in France I believe. He was temporarly buried in the US Army Cemtary, at Bensheim Germany, which is right across the Rhine River from Worms Germany. I would appricate any related information. From his photos he looks like he was a very kind man. He also had a girlfriend in England. This is all I know.


veronique wamin Dec 28th 2005 at 10:51:56 AM
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My name is Véronique , I live in France, I am a member of the association of the memory flowers.
I adopted 10 graves of american soldiers and put flowers on their graves on every year, at the cemetery of colleville sur mer. I would be grateful to get information about the soldier Jack chinnici,
I would like to know his age, the missions they had during the war, get a pictures because, each year, I put flowers on his grave and I don't know his face. I look for the existing relatives to inform them that his grave is respectfully and that his memory kept alive. I would be grateful , if you are one of them or if you know someone of his family. if you give me more information about he because he died to save our country...
Here are more some more details about him:
name:Jack Chinnici state: Pennsylvania unity:38th engineer general service regiment matricule:33028006 rank:frist class
died with honor on the battlefield on jul-31-1944 I thank-you very much for your help


Jean Dillen Dec 11th 2005 at 05:51:13 PM
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Dear Sir,

I am working on a book about the American repatriation camp Tophat in Antwerp/Belgium 1945-46. I am trying to locate ex-service men for whom Antwerp was their last foothold in Europe when the war ended. Miss SherilynNantz is so kind to help me with the research and forwarded me Your e-mail.

The camp was set up bij the 19th AAA division with the 556 & 559 AAA in the leading role. They had a Tophat as unit symbol which was painted on their vehicles and later the name Tophat became the name of the camp. More than 270.000 men were processed here on their home gooing trip.

The American forces set up a series of camps to bring their troops home after the end of hostilities. Mostly in France a nd they were names >'Sigarette Camps' as each had the name of a sigarette brand (Camp Lucky Strike, Camp Pall Mall, Camp Chesterfield, etc). Out of line, Tophat was named after the unit which build it. But a Belgian sigarette company manufactured 'Tophat sigarettes' so it became unintentional a sigarette camp after all ....

The former site of Camp Tophat is still there. When it was evacuated in April 1946, a park was created a te site. A brook and pumping station are called Tophat so the name will live for generations to come.

I do the lay-out for the book for a set of 3 friends-authors. They did a lot of digging at the site and found amazing things of camp life. As the ex-service men were allowed only one souvenir gun to take home, and many had an arsenal with them, a lot started digging to get rid of these things. The collection of the trio now holds Schmeisser guns, Colt, bajonetts and >several cases of material bejond imagination. Even 1941 marked Coca Cola bottles are found and filled again courtesy our local Coca Cola Company.

The book is basically a photobook with some text. We are looking for any Tophat related material. We are lacking anything of the Tophat unit which gave its name to the camp.

Can you help me out ?

Kindest regards,
Jean Dillen

PS Jean is male on this side of the Atlantic


M. C. Lumbard Dec 8th 2005 at 08:16:12 PM
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Looking to talk to others about the 347th Engineers


mike porter Nov 27th 2005 at 12:58:37 AM
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happy holidays


Steve Dall Nov 25th 2005 at 06:22:34 AM
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I am looking for history of 372nd General Services Engineer Regiment or any engineer that knew Cliff DeLong who was an engineer in WWII. He was in hospital with wounds at end of war.

I would really like to find history of the 372nd GS Engineers to pass on to his sons.
ANY information would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Dall
P.O. Box 682
Esparto, CA 95627


Merle McLaughlin Nov 17th 2005 at 06:36:43 PM
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Was in the 594th at the tent camp at Camp Edwards Massachuetts. Operated Landing craft during training. Was shipped out to Univ of NH just before the group was shipped overseas.


coby fritz Nov 11th 2005 at 11:22:41 AM
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Hello, My name is Coby and i live on the former airfield Ypenburg. The airfield does'nt exist anymore, there are now houses. But, Ypenburg has a long history. That's why we started a historical union. You can visit our Website We are looking for anything that concerns the former airfield Ypenburg. Hope to hear from you!!!


andy a mancini Nov 6th 2005 at 03:14:07 PM
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this is a great site


Carl D. Garner Oct 29th 2005 at 12:20:28 PM
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Searching for survivors of 36th amphibious engineers who went to refrigeration mech. school in Bloomington, Ill. 1943 and landed in Anzio possibly Jan. 1944.


Carl F. Furtado Oct 13th 2005 at 05:20:40 PM
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Meet you at our last,2005, Runion of the 36th Combat Engineers

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Barrington, RI

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It was my pleasure to meet and talk with you at the reunion. Have visited you web site and still have not seen and read everything on it, but will. Thanks for the great web site.


Peter Heckmanns Oct 9th 2005 at 10:35:44 PM
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Webmasters from similar websites are bound to find eachother, but Jim Hennessey played a vital role ... thanks Jim !

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Kerkrade, The Netherlands

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Dear Marion,

You created a great website which seems to be destined to grow larger and larger. This tribute to your dad is an everlasting one ... I'm sure your dad will be proud of you, even though he didn't have the chance to stay with you a little longer. It's my believe that he's watching over you and gives you a smile whenever he can. I'm sure with a daughter like you he's probably hiding in a row of smilies !

Thank you for your work as a webmaster and your great role as Walt's daughter ... he's proud of you and I'm proud to know someone like you !

Best wishes,

Peter Heckmanns
Webmaster In-Honored-Glory website


Mike Pikula Oct 6th 2005 at 02:02:06 PM
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Google search for information on 359th Engineer Battalion

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Looking to get the history of this battalion during WWII as we're trying to construct where TEC 4 R. Ben Steele went. This is my wife's dad (deceased) and we are trying to put together a history of the Pikula Family soldiers. I'm retired Army and have our son is in Co A, 1-504 PIR, 82d Abn and son (in-law) is 32d AIS, USAFE. Any and all help would be appreciated.


bruce walter Oct 4th 2005 at 10:07:52 PM
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I would like to hear from bill carr who wrote of his grandfather ernest napier. my dad was with the 49th engineers.


Dan Horodysky Sep 26th 2005 at 05:50:57 PM
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World War II Discussion List

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Marion, Nice website - thanks for the history and especially the WWII music. Good luck with your book on the VI Corps Combat Engineers.


CPT J Morehead, MPC US Army Sep 25th 2005 at 02:23:22 AM
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Great site. Your father would have been so proud of this website! Hey, and THANK YOU for showing us another REAL hero! Web-sites like this one gives everyone real heros to emulate, especially kids growing up. I often wonder if these great WW2 veterans really know what they did for us AND the world. Thanks again and to your father, I can tell he was a great, great gentleman and soldier.


stephanie curtright Sep 25th 2005 at 01:52:32 AM
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my uncle was in the 504th infantry regiment 82nd airborne division..he has two purple hearts and many other medals..he was killed in st.vith belgium,,during the battle of the bulge...he was very brave and we have pictures of him there..i would love to hear from anyone out there who may have known him or someone who is interested..he was born in kennett dunklin county missouri..he was a only son..please feel free to contact me heres my email address....
god bless all our people who served..and those who served from other places.
sincerely, stephanie....sept,24th.1945..
his name is cletus j.shelton..


Dan C. Bierman Sep 19th 2005 at 11:42:35 PM
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I am in desperate need of finding information on the 711th engineering depot unit. It is very imperative as this involves a homicide investigation.

Thank you


Julia Kupisiewicz Sep 6th 2005 at 12:52:26 PM
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Great Website! I am the Granddaughter of Master Sergeant James M. (JM)Shephard of the 36th Infantry in Italy in 1943-44? He served under Walker. He was formerly of the 7th Cavalry out of Fort Bliss TX. Many of his records were distroyed in a fire. I am helping my Mother Mary Jean Kupisiewicz (Shephard) of El Paso, TX to find any information regarding her father and the Italian invasion he was involved in. Any information that can be emailed my way would be apreciated.
Best Wishes
Julia Kupisiewicz


Stevn Aug 25th 2005 at 11:46:12 PM
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I am trying to find out more about what unit my father,a combat engineer was in after the partial break up of the NY National Guard Division.. He first spent time in Hawaii building island defences. He then went to Ft. Brown Texas and trained two companies of engineers. The first went to the pacific and the second to Europe. Upon arriving in Europe He fought his way across France into Germany and then Cezchloslavacia. I know that spelling is incorrect, but oh well. I have know idea where to look for his units. All he told me he was assigned to the Third Army Headquarters. His unit was like a fire brigade. Sent quickly to areas that needed reinforcement. Where would I look? Who do I write? He joined in 1938 ond retired 1962

Thank you so much for this site.


SFC DONALD KONDROSKI (RET) Aug 14th 2005 at 10:47:48 AM
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music sent to me by a former sergeant i worked with.

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The music brings back memories of when i was a child in the late forties and playing dads music on the old VICTROLA in the parlor. Just send me your address and i would gladly send a donation to help your web site. 5/117th CAV


Kurt Teshka Aug 13th 2005 at 06:47:26 PM
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Wouderful web site. Looking for infomation on my Dad's(Marvin Teshka) unit the 36 Combat Engineers 1st Div(2826). Like most from WWII he didn't talk much about the war just the funny little things that happen. Any insight into the history of the unit would be great.


Wendy Lee Leckey Oliver Aug 10th 2005 at 04:35:40 PM
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Your last page of your web site is a picture of my daddy during WWII. This Picture was made early during WWII and my daddy was picked to pose for it. He went to the Pentagon from his unit at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. He was selected for this prestigious duty because of his baving been chosen as the best "all around soldier" at Ft. Belvoir. The resulting full color 1942 poster produced using his likenss more than met expectation. Today, it is still in use in many formats. One was a 35 1/2 mural which I have the original negitive of. It also is hanging in the Army Engineer School at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. He served in the Pacific Theater where he remained for thirth-three months. Assigned as a demolitions specialist and later an intelligence sergeant in the 43rd Engineers and 18th Regimental Combat Team. He fought the Japanese on New Guinea. Had four beach landings and is now in the fight for his life. Please help me.

I Remain
Your Humble Servant
Wendy Lee Leckey/Oliver


Richard Pfeiffer Aug 4th 2005 at 12:33:43 PM
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Looking for information on the 235th Engineer Combat Battalion. My father was with them in Italy. I was trying to find out what patch he wore. I have just received his decorations and I wanted to frame the patch with the medals. I hope we received all of them. I know the fire at the records center destroyed many records. We did manage to receive his Silver Star.


Carolyn B. Jul 28th 2005 at 09:11:53 PM
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My dad, William Robert Snead, is a WWII veteran. He was an Amphibious Engineer attached to the 29th Infantry Division. He was stationed in Swansea, landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day. He also went to St. Lo, Argentan and a small town near Paris. He guarded German prisoners at one point. While in Argentan he guarded a bridge and became close with a family there. I would love to find anyone who might have been with the Amphibious Engineers.


andy a mancini Jul 23rd 2005 at 08:47:49 PM
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my two uncle sever in the army in italy frances gemany to paul salerno from syracuse ny,uncle jim salerno,also my brother was on the usslas angels ca 135 i was on the uss boston cag-1 1955 to 1956 then on the uss newportnews ca 148 sk-3 s-2 divi great site thank you.


Anne Jul 20th 2005 at 10:29:30 PM
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My uncle was a sergeant in Co C of the 326th Airborne Engineers in WWII. I have been having trouble finding a copy of the short history that was published in the 1950s. Has it been reprinted?


MDye Jul 19th 2005 at 08:21:04 PM
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My dad (Silas Howard West-went by Howard) was in World War II and I believe he was in the 540 Battalion Engineer. I know he was in these campaigns: Sicilian, Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, So. France, Rhineland, & Central Europe. The copies of his discharge papers say 270th Engr C BN. He was gone for 38 months. We had a book but after he died the book has been misplaced and no one can find it. I am trying to find as much information as possible about what he went thru. I know his papers were destroyed in the fire back in 1973 here in Missouri. I believe he was in the Army from Nov 1942 until Oct 1945 but could be mistaken - the dates are real hard to read. I would appreciate it if anyone who knew him could get me some info or tell me where to look. By the way the website was real insightful. Thanks!


FrankM. Oliver SGT(RET) Jul 13th 2005 at 11:43:11 AM
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My father served with the 478th Amphibious Truck CO from Aug 1942 to Sept 1945 He was in the North African Campaign, Sicily, Italy, Central Europe, Northern Europe and Normandy.


Erick Jul 12th 2005 at 08:07:19 PM
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Your site brings back memories, from an old friend of mine, who was an Army Engineer in WW2.
They were building bridges across the rivers in Germany and the Germans would blow them up and the boys would keep right on a building, and as you well know they made it and the war was finally won. GOOD WORK MEN


Beverly Molica Jul 12th 2005 at 03:16:59 PM
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Looking for info on B-24 bombers

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Thank you for doing this web site. My dad, Ernest Kuptz, was a flight engineer on a B-24 over the South Pacific.


Armand De Luca Jul 3rd 2005 at 02:11:22 AM
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Music sent to me from my Navy squadron group.

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Long Island, NY

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There were so many who played such big roles in ending the war...........thanks for keeping their work fresh in our minds.


Stan C. Bellens Jun 26th 2005 at 11:17:20 AM
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Great, Amazing , Wonderful and Interesting

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I was 12 in September 1944 when the American troops arrive to liberate our town in Belgium
All these men and buddies are in my heart for always. God bless them all ! Stan


Myron Soares Jun 24th 2005 at 10:59:16 AM
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The music was sent by a friend

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Originally from California, now is Massachusetts

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LOVE the music section. Play it all the time. Especially the Glen Miller songs.


George Chandler Jun 22nd 2005 at 02:23:42 AM
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Lots of memories..Thanks


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